Company Profile & Information
Pakistan Microfinance Investment Company Limited (PMIC) is a national-level apex institution for microfinance providers in the country. PMIC is registered under Section 32 of the Companies Ordinance 1984 as amended by Company’s Act 2017 and has been licensed under rule 5 of the non-banking finance company (establishment and regulations) Rules, 2003 as amended through S.R.O. 1002 (I)/2015, to undertake or carry out Investment Finance Services. PMIC was setup as an important pillar of the National Financial Inclusion Strategy formulated by the Government of Pakistan. Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund, Karandaaz Pakistan (KRN) and KfW development Bank together created PMIC – a partnership driven by passion for progress and a commitment to serving Pakistanis at the bottom of the pyramid.
Incorporation No & Date: 0101158 – Aug 10, 2016
Status: LSC (as per 3rd Schedule of the Companies Act 2017)
National Tax Number: 7317867-3
License No & Date: SECP/LRD/12/PMIC/2022-27 – Oct 04, 2022
Phone: (+92-51) 8487820-45
Email Address: [email protected]
Auditors: A.F.Ferguson & Co
Legal Advisor: HaiderMota & Co.
Membership: Pakistan Fintech Network. NBFI & Modaraba – Association of Pakistan.
Regd. Address: 21 Floor, Ufone Tower, 55 C, Main Jinnah Avenue, Blue Area, Islamabad 44000, Pakistan
Provide financial and institutional services to strengthen and scale-up provision of sustainable and responsible access to finance to individuals, micro-entrepreneurs and micro-enterprises in Pakistan to enhance employment and income opportunity for economically poor and underserved citizens and improve the lives of the poor.
A Pakistani society where the underserved are empowered.
Strategic Objectives
- Create a financially sustainable wholesale organization
- Provide innovative and customized support to PMIC investees; develop capacity to access commercial credit markets
- Build a robust financial ecosystem for the growth of sustainable microfinance in Pakistan
- Ensure compliance with ESG guidelines in the organization
- Build a strong professional and innovative organization
Core Values

Respect & Integrity
Ensuring high standards of respect and integrity

Team Work
Working collaboratively with team members

Transparency & Merit
Providing the highest level of transparency to all

Promote inclusion in PMIC and with our borrowers

Passion, Innovation & Creativity
Passionate about PMIC and its agenda to add value to MF sector
Salient Features
Thematic Areas
We focus on empowerment of all segments of society, especially women, which constitutes almost 83% of active clients being served through PMIC’s funding.
We take access to finance to areas where financial inclusion remains low. Almost 65% of PMIC’s funding is deployed in rural areas of Pakistan – through it’s borrowers.
We embrace digital advancements at the institutional level and for clients to facilitate access to finance in an efficient manner.
We harness the potential to create new jobs through micro-enterprises and increase income of poorer sections of the society.